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Here's mine--I don't know six people with blogs, though!


Done! It took a while to think of six.


I sing my lungs out in the car too! And I've passed the trait along to my girls, who are 5 and 2. We don't listen to kiddie songs, so they're mostly jamming to '70s rock. My 2-year-old really has the Roger Daltrey shriek down pat.

It drives my husband nuts. Hee.


I have no blog. What does a loser like me do? ;)


I was all set to squee a big "Me, too!" on singing in the car with all those details, but am too flabbergasted by those people's refusal to thank you for saving the guy's life. Unbelievable.

Auntie Maim

Thanks for the tag! Here's mine!

I love your hydroponics story. I, too, got totally obsessed with things I was interested in at that age -- I still know a really weird amount about pigeons and their keeping and breeding. My parents regret not letting me get pigeons. I think it's the smartest thing they ever did.


Oh, I'll try and do this this weekend -- thanks for the tag! Also, I totally do not know six bloggers... or even more than two!

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