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at some point you've got to stop being sentimental and start taking a hard look at what your product is worth.


Sorry about that. But OH MY GOD my biggest complaint about freelancing was the ASSHOLES who were like, "You're an artist! I don't have to pay you--you get to starve to death in a garret!" Like, thank YOU so much, I don't see YOU doing without YOUR paycheck. [I could include a stream of suitable obscenities here, but I shall refrain.] You know that HuffPo's writers are going to get the shaft big time, just like the National Lampoon's did.

Part of it is this boho mentality that you are not a REAL artist unless you're desperately poor (this is why on a certain level I really dislike the musical Rent). A lot writers who are young and really very naive buy right into that.

And younger people just don't realize what being able to write is worth. When I graduated from college, I just assumed that everyone could write, because it wasn't hard for me, and I'm no Einstein. But then I got my first job at a publishing house and started looking over the manuscripts that were coming in, and I realized that very few people can write well--even very highly educated people often can't string two words together. And that is when I was like, Wow, I do have a saleable skill!


I'm pretty militant on not giving away work for free, or at least being selective about it based on how it will in the end benefit me. For instance, on some reader blogs I follow there's been some controversy about Amazon reviews and posses gaming the system and getting reviews deleted, and I'm pretty boggled that people would give their intellectual content to a gimormo corporate entity that makes and enforces unclear rules for what? The chance to be noticed and score some ARCs after you write thousands of reviews? Social networking and Web 2.0 be damned, I'm not going to inprove your product for you. And writing is work, and harder for some than others.

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