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Thanks for this post, Lisa and Molly.

One piece of advice I'll add, although it can be seen as a subpoint of becoming financially aware: keep a close eye on your credit report, especially after the divorce.

About five years after my divorce, I was turned down for a credit card. It turns out that my name was on a credit card belonging to my ex-husband, of which I was unaware. I hadn't known about the card when we split up, and apparently back then it had a zero balance. Five years later, he had put $10,000 on the card. I hadn't found out about it earlier because he was making regular payments (thank goodness) and I didn't take a close enough look at my credit report. However, when I tried to get a new line of credit, the additional $10,000 showed up under my name and disqualified me.

Also, my ex was in charge of paying bills because I was labeled the "Irresponsible One" in our marriage -- a result of making two late payments and bouncing one check while we were in college. After our divorce, I discovered that the only negative mark left on my credit (the college errors had "fallen off" due to time passing) was from him making a late payment on the only credit card that was solely in my name.

Bottom line: each partner should keep an eye on things, even if you agree that one of you is going to handle the day-to-day affairs.


It's amazing how much better off we can be having gone through a trauma -- a lot of good advice in here. Thanks.


I had to come back and post as last night I went and re-read that 60-40 article -- I think I read something like it some time back when I couldn't really implement it. I pulled up our little household budget spreadsheet -- took a fresh look at the numbers and applied the 60/40 and said, "Hey! This is why we aren't saving anything!" We've been having lots of talks lately now that our income is rising a little and our regular expenses are definitely settled into a predictable pattern and we're going to do take a little trip away for a weekend and pow-wow these topics. I think we'll reverse engineer, staring with the 40 and seeing what's left for the 60 (that whole "pay yourself first" concept). Anyway, thanks for the reminder of that article -- it's a great, simple way to tackle the big topic.

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