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The only time the whole not flushing thing becomes slightly embarrassing is when you have people over and they use the bathroom and you forget to do a spotcheck, but if all your friends live in the same area I'd think they'd understand.

Lisa S.

Lord, I hope so.

I went home and checked our bills last night. Over the past two years we've lived in the house, we've used an average of 90 gallons per day. So we have to reduce our consumption down to 73 gallons per day.

I'm hopeful that not having contractors around will reduce some of the water use -- this is the first time since we bought the house that we are NOT spending the summer with people tramping in and out all day. But I'm hoping even more strongly that cutting down the flushing and cutting back on laundry will help us eliminate that extra 17 gallons per day.

Wow, writing that out makes me feel like a real first-world pig, esp. since there are so many parts of the world where getting even a gallon of clean water daily isn't even possible.


You will have to clean the toilet more often though--it does develop a bit of a stain. But that my be because I am a really big slob who lives in the land of overflowing water (The minute we sign the Great Lakes Water Compact, you all will have to come back because we have all the water! Revitalization! Ha ha!)

But hey--better than an outhouse, no?

Lisa S.

I tell you, I was seriously rethinking the outhouse for a moment there until I remembered how I was constitutionally incapable of using it for those serious moments when one really needs a bathroom with ventilation.

You're right, though -- letting the yellow mellow is better than trotting outside to use the human equivalent of a litter box.


If you do use about 90 gallons per day, then you should be ok.

-- Customers who use less than 100 gallons of water daily are exempt from the rate increase and the surcharges.

But yes, this does seem much harder for the folks who have been reducing their water usage all along, than on the folks who still water bluegrass.

Lisa S.

I think that means we're okay if rates go up, but if the robo-call I got yesterday is to be believed, I think we're still expected to cut back until then. It's not very clear.

I need my rep on the board to WRITE ME BACK and tell me what the dealio is.


I've been thinking about this a lot, and wondering what you would do if you just had a baby and intended to cloth diaper, or something. When water is scarce, how to you balance reusing things that need to be washed (cloth diapers, napkins, plastic containers, whatever) and thus using water, vs. using disposable things that don't cut into your water ration?


I'm glad to see you've written EBMUD about this ridiculous across-the-board reduction scheme. As a renter who's moved several times in the past 4 years (and whose current home was VACANT for one of the years preceding our current occupancy), I am completely stumped as to how to improve upon (or even to know) the water usage of prior tenants. And, of course, in line with your objection -- what if I'm already 'letting yellow mellow' and watching my laundry and gardening water consumption?

If this is going to be "rationing," shouldn't we get rations of water? X amount for a, b or c conditions? With some sort of provision whereby folks with newborn babies or other 'conditions' are given extra rations?


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