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Zito! At least he's not digging up the plants and/or large amounts of dirt and depositing it into the pool the way my sister's dog does.

Neighbor Girl is apparently going to tear up the entire front lawn to garden. As she only has tarps out to kill the grass, I don't think this project is going so well. It's only in the 50's most days here, but our growing season is short and lettuce, peas, radishes, and herbs can go in. Unless this will be an installation of Dead Baby Garden II or Monster Penis. I really hope they have a friend who will want to buy my house.


Boy, those articles make me feel lazy! I'm taking out the front lawn one of these days....

So, are the "No" people with the spray cans following around the "Yes" people who stick signs into random people's yards, or are the "No" people taking the signs from the "Yes" people's yards, defacing them, and then sticking them into the yards of random other people?

Lisa S.

are the "No" people taking the signs from the "Yes" people's yards, defacing them, and then sticking them into the yards of random other people?

This one. I was walking the other afternoon and found another "NO" sign rammed into a neighbor's formerly pristine yard.

Man, I can see why you'd oppose the measure, but you're not really doing your position any favors with that approach.


Kerry, holy cats. I hope your house sells super-fast, before the real horror sets in.


Oh, I've already called the Fire Prevention Bureau for our town in hopes of the Fire Inspector coming over for a chat. Because in our densely packed inner ring suburb is not the place for a fun campfire in the backyard with friends. Friday night's fire was more of a bonfire to my eyes. I can only hope they burn down my garage.

Next call's to the cops.

I feel bad about the neighbor on the other side though--for the past 7 years, the performance artists have benefited from his arrangement with the previous owner, under which they occasionally buy him beer and he keeps the lawn mowed, which he'd do anyway because he is a lawn freak. This project has cut him off of the joy of mowing!


Man, I can see why you'd oppose the measure, but you're not really doing your position any favors with that approach.

It does seem poorly conceived, as well as overly complex!

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