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drunken monkey

Unexpected wisdom from Hart: "You wait your whole career for that role that speaks to people, then spend the rest of your career trying to escape." That's true not just for child stars, but for a lot of television actors.


Interesting that the "tween stars" only go back as far as Melissa Joan Hart. (Which, I feel so old if she's the elder stateswoman of tween TV. I wanted to be Clarissa when I grew up.)

There are about 25 million children in America between the ages of 9 and 14, and 77 percent of them, according to Nickelodeon, have television sets in their bedrooms.

Sweet Jesus. My parents would have laughed in my face if I'd asked for a TV.

Lisa S.

Nomie, that blew me away too. If you have a TV in your kids' bedroom, how do you supervise what they're watching? V-chip? I guess if it's for DVDs only, you could plot Little Torgo down for a while with Spongebob and do your thing.

Then again, I am pretty much opposed to TVs in bedrooms, period.

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