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I'm from one of the Big Six immigration states, so the "Immigrants = Bad!" doesn't rear its head here. But, "I read somewhere" that border states and the West and East Coast in general are significantly more tolerant, whereas Midwestern and Southern states -- where Latino immigrant incidence is almost nil -- are passing ordinances like it pays cash money. The article had a great bit about a hysterical response in Nebraska, where they were ready to all but put a wall up around town, based on one or two families moving in. I wish I could find the story!

But, yes, the gist was the same: that when you've grown up realizing how immigrant Mexican labor supports the economy, and when it affects you personally and directly, there is zero interest in monolingualism or shutting out Latino culture.

In a country that's barely 250 years old... i.e. all but 1% of us are immigrants somewhere down the line... I just don't get nativism. But apparently it started in the US in the 1750's when the British hated on the Pennsylvania Germans, so maybe it's unavoidable? The bootstrapping, flag-planting version of "no zealot like a convert"?


The whole anti-immigration thing is racism pure and simple--a bunch of dumb crackers suddenly realizing that everybody doesn't talk and act and think and look exactly like them. It infuriates me most of the time, although in my more analytical moments I wonder if there isn't something inherent in human nature that triggers this panicky "ALIENS!!!" response.

I grew up in California, and I have to point out that it's no stranger to navtivism. I'm not just talking about the Zoot Suit Riots and the Yellow Peril, but Pete Wilson and his cherished Prop 187. I think the only reason you don't see more of that kind of thing is that California Latinos vote now.


This reminds me of the joke in NYC about the reason why the only places you find chain restaurants (Applebee's, Olive Garden) is around Times Square and Penn Station. It's because the exurban, Middle America tourists need a little "comfort of the familiar" after having to deal with The Big Three:

1) Skyscrapers
2) Subways

Seriously, I think #3 is sometimes what overwhelms them the most.

Part of the problem is that we haven't had to deal with assimilating *one* immigrant group for a long time. When it's a bunch of newcomers from all different places (Cuba, Vietnam, China, Poland) there's no sense of "invasion." What's happening with Latinos is just a replay of what happened with the Evil Papists Who Will Take Over in the 1840s and the Evil Swarthy Mediterraneans Who Will Take Over in the 1900s (see also: Yellow Peril). The country hasn't had to figure out how to handle integrating a large, single cultural group for 80 years; we've forgotten that yes, assimilation eventually does happen and the stress dissipates.


I saw this on the NY Times Web site and thought it was amusing: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/26/nyregion/26riverside.html?_r=1&hp=&oref=slogin&pagewanted=all It's about these podunk towns realizing that they shouldn't have chased away large chunks of their population....

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