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Kate the M

I can no longer watch Animal Cops either because it, "angries up the blood" (Simpsons). My (now deceased) dog was likely abused by his original owners, unless it's normal for a dog to be born hand-shy and fearful of men. If I ever run into said original owners....whew.


I am a big believer in due process, the burden of proof and innocent-until-proven-guilty. It is fair and accurate to say someone "allegedly" did something until it's proven in a court of law.

That said, all those convictions tend to fly out the door when it comes to animal abuse.

Lisa, my husband said nearly the same thing, and I don't blame you one bit. Every time I hear about this I need to go hug my dog. (Who is the sweetest, cutest thing ever, and came from the pound. Support your local animal shelters!)

drunken monkey

"hosing down a dog with water and then electrocuting it"

This is exactly the bit my boyfriend pointed to when he was telling me how horrified he was by everything that came out, and how much deeper Vick's hole had just been dug.

My boyfriend also said that he thinks Vick is fucked, if the investigators have this much, and that if Vick's as guilty as he's looking, he hopes he goes to jail for a long-ass time. I agree; sick fucks, the lot of them. I don't really expect people who would treat a puppy like that to put human beings on a scale that much higher, when it comes down to it.


I already sent an email to Nike. I know, I know, due process, but still. Fuck that guy.


Oh, c'mon, Lisa, have some sympathy. Michael Vick desperately needed the money. It's not as though top NFL stars get paid millions of dollars per year.

Seriously, at this point I'm thinking the hosing-down-followed-by-electrocution thing sounds pretty good for the humans involved in this. Do it carefully, and you don't even have to kill them. It would just hurt. Really bad.

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