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I love bats as well. A couple of years ago there used to be a bat that hung out above our front door that we named Boris. After Boris left, I had to go buy a bat house for the back deck. But now that we live in the city, I doubt we would ever have use for the bat house.


You never know -- plenty of cities have bat populations.

Did I ever tell you about the bats in the basement in my first house in Troy? The big ol' brownstone on 5th street, two or three doors down from the junkies who burned down their place? I was down there one night doing laundry and this poor little guy dropped right onto the washer, completely disoriented.

So I called Kirsten Cooke -- who had formerly worked with wildlife -- and said, "This is a really weird question, but how do I make sure I don't kill this bat that I think woke up three months early?"

Kirsten told me to try and put him or her someplace dark and quiet, so I found an old aquarium and wrapped some towels around it, stuck the contraption in the back corner of the basement, and let him or her sleep back there. The bat disappeared later that spring.

I would love to put up a bat house in my current place, but I live on a corner next to many power lines, and we have so many cats in the neighborhood, I worry it would end badly.


I love bats, too. I actually have a necklace that has a bat on it.

What great news! One of my favorite beasties can help save the rain forest!

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