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Darn right. Shoot, snark, sarcasm, mockery, and satire in general are often more sincere than sincerity. They're the mask we wear when we have to say things we can't just say plainly. For example, criticize the establishment and you're just considered a cynical malcontent. But say the very same things with satirical wit, and you're considered entertaining... and just possibly thought-provoking as well.


Do you think it could be because snark and sarcasm add a distance to what you're commenting on, while posts that are straight from the heart feel more exposed and real?

Because it is hard to say things plainly, when people manage to do it, it can resonate more with readers. I understand why some people feel alienated by snarkiness and sarcasm. It's a kind of humour not everyone relates to.

Don't get me wrong - I loves me some snark. That's the way I write as well. But I do know people who just don't get my sense of humour.

drunken monkey

Likewise, I don't "get" much of what passes for sincerity. Genuine sincerity is one thing, but am I a terrible person if I find much of this online confessional stuff a bit tedious? It really depends on the skill with which it's executed, I guess -- hey, just like snark. (And that was snarky of me. But not untrue!)

And as a film studies veteran, I will throw it out there that genuine or not, all of this output -- video, theatre productions, writing -- still has a filter attached. I'm also not really buying the assertion that this has somehow made high school embarrassment more tolerable. Isn't it making it worse, somehow, if not just the whole school but everybody, ever, has seen you doing your Luke Skywalker routine? Cyber bullying must fit in with this somewhere as well.

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