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"Are they possible only because the site's authors spend the rest of the time establishing and maintaining their editorial value to the reader?"

I think so, yes. I marvel at mav's design sensibilit on port2port http://port2port.visualblogging.com/ all year long, and I love her art work, so I take her gift guide (http://port2port.my-expressions.com/giftguide.html) seriously. I prefer personal recommendations to professional ones because I tend to think that the personal bloggers opinions are more sincere (me and my GenX cynicism).

Michael Johnson

My favorite editorial shopping site by far is Tanga.com and then 2nd is Woot.com. They are both daily deal sites and I check both every evening.


Oooooh, thank you for the mention. Actually Want Not is supposed to lean more towards overall spending philosophy than various events, but with the impending holidays I'll confess to most of my time going into "Look! A deal! Look over there! Another deal!" Tis always nice to be noticed, either way.


Well design and work - If you get time
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