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Wow. I read these books back in--what?--1992, maybe? And loved them immensely. I devoured them and then was so sad that there weren't more. Now I'm even sadder that there could have been.

I had such a crush on Number Ten Ox. Thanks for letting me share in your madeline and reminding me of how badly I need to find these and re-read them.


I, too, loved Bridge of Birds, and maybe the Story of the Stone even more. I bet that Bridge of Birds would make an incredible film--like a cross between Jerry Bruckheimer and Ang Lee.


Steph -- the thing that gets me about Number Ten Ox is how he retains his fundamental innocence and purity, even through each book. He gets slightly wiser, but he's still "innocent as an apricot."

Annie, I hadn't even THOUGHT about movies, but you're right. I actually think Eight Skilled Gentlemen would make a fantastic movie. Although, Bridge of Birds would be a perfect Terry Gilliam-esque vehicle. The part with the alchemist kills me every time.

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