My dad was a huge fan of elephants and of the Green Bay Packers, so it's practically written in my DNA that I too will pledge allegiance to the pachyderms and the Packers. Although he seemed to like African elephants more, I prefer their Asian counterparts.
The photo at left is from the National Geographic, from the Feb 14, 06, article, "Elephants Make a Love Connection." It's not an awesome monkey photo, but it is a pretty awesome animal photo, so I'm including it in that moribund monkey category.
In any event, if you too are a fan of elephants, the Wildlife Conservation Society runs an Asian Elephant Conservation Program. The program works because it focuses on protecting the elephant population and figuring out ways the great animals can coexist with humans nearby. If you're looking for someplace to donate a little extra cash, please consider donating to the WCS's elephant conservation efforts.