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I will further postulate that you are interested in Charles Fishman's "The Wal-Mart Effect" (http://www.walmarteffectbook.com/). (Perhaps you've already talked about it and I missed it?) Any investigation of retail must at some point turn to that particular behemoth, I suppose.


I read the original article in Fast Company years ago, and wouldn't mind reading the book. However, I have to wait and see if our library is going to get it, or if it'll come out in paperback first.

After all, I can't keep up the book-a-week habit if I don't watch the bottom line!


Oh, phew, Lisa. I thought from the intro you were going to say you didn't like the Vowell collections.

Which would have made me have to suit up for a beat down. And which also would have made as much sense as Homer Simpson declaring he doesn't care for crullers.



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