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I just checked Wikipedia, and there's not much agreement on the years the define Generation X, is there? The oldest Gen Xers are either 41 or 44 right now, according to the Wikipedia entry.

Which is so very much NOT budget anymore!

Or a $65 Gucci ice cube tray. Yes, really. I threw that issue on the bathroom floor and stomped on it.

I am very sorry I subscribed to Budget Living right before it became crap. It's more like Wannabe Fashionista Living now.

As I've whined here many times in the past year, I'm Generation X, and I'm not buying clothes because no one is marketing clothes to me. I don't want the same clothes as the college students I advise, nor do I want the same clothes as my mom. Anthropologie is the only chain I've heard of that targets its ideal customer anywhere near my age, but they assume that you have a income of $250,000 per yr. Ha!

I love clothes. I would spend myself silly on them, given the chance. But I'm not 19 and I'm not 55, so where's my retail experience?


I just checked Wikipedia, and there's not much agreement on the years the define Generation X, is there? The oldest Gen Xers are either 41 or 44 right now, according to the Wikipedia entry.

Yeah. I should have noted that -- some people tag Gen X as starting in 1961, others in 1964. I guess it depends on whether or not the Kennedy administration can be said to have affected you personally in any way.


Shoot, personally I would have pegged Gen X as a 1970 start or so. I never really thought of myself as part of it. Post-boomers, yes. Gen X, no. But then, a feeling of disenfranchisement is part of the generation's definition, isn't it?

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