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Don't put up water stations and you make illegal crossing into crime punishable by death.

The Tucson Weekly has a lot of border coverage, on both sides of the issue.

If you're interested, go to www.tucsonweekly.com and search the archives for "border."


The border problems are very complex. I grew up in Tucson and feel that those living on the East Coast have no understanding of the complexity. A friend from Virginia actually told me the military or border patrol should post troops every 40 miles along the border of Arizona...(WTF?!) ..clearly this is someone who has never been out along the border or even to Arizona!!

It was fairly common for us kids to run across dead bodies in the desert while riding horses. I feel Americans exploit the illegal aliens just as bad as the illegals exploit many of the state programs (health care, etc.). The crime associated with living near the border is mindblowing... one reason I moved away.

Basically, no plan will work until there is no financial incentive to come to the US illegally. This will happen if a)Mexico, Central and South American governments end the rampant corruption and have a stable economy or b) the US government actually cracks down on US business and force them not to hire undocumented workers, which means a head of lettuce will cost like $10. Undocumented workers take jobs that Americans cannot make a livable wage working at.

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