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I think any article that starts with the assumption that Condoleeza Rice and Oprah Winfrey -- Oprah Winfrey! -- aren't household names is probably silly.

I mean, do they want Oprah to be even more famous? Is that even possible?


I suppose it is:

"I want the cosmos to rearrange itself so that Orion turns into Oprah's nose! Let her be fixed in the firmament like the goddess she is!"

But it seems like a long shot.


It saddens me to see girls reading Cosmo when The Economist is available. The Economist (the article you mentioned was excellent too, BTW) would provide girls a much better foundation than Cosmo would anyday. An article on a new intellectual-property business model would be far more useful in future business than 100 sexy things men love.....but I guess it depends on what business the girl aspires to join.

And doesn't everyone want to know that Indonesia is at a crossroad?

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