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Oh, the Cook's Illustrated Oven-Baked Fries are soooooo good... especially with some lemon aioli or Trader Joe's unsweetened ketchup. You're in for a treat. They're good. Really good. Like crack, almost.


Try the Greek-Style Garlic-Lemon Potatoes (I've let my CI online membership lapse, so no link): those are slices of lemony heaven.

The charter issue of Cook's Country has a whole mess of potato dishes, too.


If you've got a George Forman grill, another good thing to do is take a waxy potato (I use Yukon Golds), slice it thin, then lay the slices between the grill plates. Grill the bejebus out of them, and convince yourself they are healthy non-fat chips. Which they are--and tasty too! The first time I did this, I made what I thought would be enough for two as a side dish. After consuming the entire first batch all by myself, I had to prep twice that amount to have enough for my husband when he came home.


My favorite home-fried-esque fries are actually shallow fried twice as per Marcella Hazan. You get oil super, super, super hot, and fry the little potato cubes until they just start to brown. Remove them from the oil, let them cool, and then reheat the oil super super hot again and fry til crisp. The perfect crisp outside/tender inside potato.

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