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andy b

Joe Sheehan of BP is a great writer. I can barely stomach ESPN these days. Long live BP!


It wasn't just the CA bloggers who got shafted; I looked in vain for Braves Journal.

I hate the Yankees. Haaaaaaaaate. But I love when Sars writes about them.


My wife didn't like baseball all that much before she met me. After stomaching weeks of my yammering about Moneyball (OPS! management revolution! it's not how they fit in jeans!), she started watching along with me. Now, with few TV programming options that we both can agree upon, we resort to watching a game nearly every night. We don't have Extra Innings (perhaps that might be rectified), so we're stuck watching the Braves, the Orioles, or whatever FOX throws at us.

It's telling that you can't find many baseball blogs written by women. (I'm not sure Sars or Laurel count -- they cover tons of other stuff.) There used to be a few, and I don't know what happened to them. I may be making the mistaken assumption that all baseball blogs are written by men, who knows?


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