Although we are not slated to be reunited with our household goods for another 22 days, that has not stopped anyone in this household from falling into the logical fallacy of the recently relocated:
1. I moved to a new place. 2. My new place is not my old place. 3. My old place had my old stuff. 4. I am not in my old place. 5. Therefore, I need new stuff.
To be fair, we need a shelf capable of being attached to a wall, as that is where we'll stash our cable modem and AirPort while the floors underneath them are radically redone. And we need a magnetic knife rack, as my idea of a knife drawer was shot down with, "I'm afraid I'd reach in for a knife and pull back a bloody stump." And we need a dish drainer, as we no longer have a dishwasher who is not named "Phil." And now that we have the luxury of not having to work at a kitchen table (which is still in storage), it would be nice to have a desk in our office, and I want to shamelessly ape this set-up.
The most efficient way to pick up all this stuff in one go was IKEA.
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