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That looks like a GREAT skirt. I will buy about twelve next time I'm in the US and then never buy another black skirt again.

Also, I am one short year away from my Don't-Give-An-Eff Forties, but I think I might just start early.


I am buying that skirt right now.


Oh yes. I am 31 now and I've got some things from Eileen Fisher that I've already had for years. I came of age during the dark-years trauma of jeans so low-rise that they required a bikini wax; I have been in the trenches, fighting my way for years through bleak racks of clothes that seemed expertly tailored to create - then highlight - such faux-flaws as muffin-top or back-bra "fat." Eventually, somewhere around age 24, I stumbled onto my mom's closet, full of Eileen Fisher and her cheaper copycat sister J. Jill: dresses and skirts so comfy they could double as loungewear but so well-draped that they go just fine to an evening show. I feel like I've spent most of my life waiting to be old enough to dress like my mother and now I am finally at a point where I can without catching too much flak from the world. I've been amassing her cast-offs for years and am finally reaching critical mass in my closet, the point where it becomes a style identity rather than a few individual pieces. My time has come.


My wardrobe is so depressingly centred around the Macy's Short-and-Fat All-Polyester section that I would be thrilled to upgrade to merely frumpy. I mean, I think Talbots is fashion-forward and Ann Taylor is too avant-garde and youthfully cut. Cool is more than I'd know what to do with. So this means I might at least postpone the slide into Chico's. That would be good for my self-esteem and for other people's eyes. I will keep an eye out on my next trip to the US.


I love that skirt. I own a brown/black sweater dress like the one linked, must be a knock-off! I am well into the I don't give a Flying Eff age. I like clothes that look good on me, that make me feel good, and that are good value for the $. Maybe I will begin to stalk Eileen Fisher sales now.

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